My mother in law made me a camera strap cover, (I have to say that it is darling) so I decided that I needed to make her a thank you card. Usually wouldn't show the inside- but it goes with the whole thanks for sewing for me theme ;)
We now have the most floral print umbrella I have ever seen in our backyard, and I love it! We had our last umbrella for 8 years, and it finally gave out. I am shocked it lasted that long- considering the constant sun and heat that we have. Have a great weekend!
These March layouts for Scrapbook Sussies just make me happy. I found a plate stand at Hobby Lobby that is now in the front room of the house that I use to show some layouts. I will take a picture of it soon:) After I make a layout I am in the habit of tossing them into a box until they get filed to the proper scrapbook. It is nice to see them completed for more than 30 seconds...
I took the little one over the community college to take some pictures of her in the poofy skirt. Plus, Nana had just sent some high tops- they were the icing on the cake! I really liked allot of the pictures, there are more here!
Riding the light rail is just about the most special thing we can go do for our little guy. He and I had a dentist appointment last week, and as a reward for good behavior we rode it to a restaurant that evening. Now, that is a whole other story in itself eating in a real trolley car at the Spaghetti Warehouse, so cool! So, anyways I really wanted to capture his joy on the light rail. I can get really uncomfortable getting my camera out and taking pictures out in public I shouldn't, it is of my own kids!) But, it is something that I am just deciding to push myself to do. And on thatnote,I am so not one to put myself out there...but I met up with the most awesome-st (not a word, but that's OK) scrapper, Julie that actually lives fairly close to me. We went over to another gal's house and scrapped for the evening. It was so much fun!! And if you scroll down on this post you can see a cute picture of us at the end of the evening.
While I am not a skier by any means, I still managed to have a great time in Telluride with the family. Most popular things to do as ranked by the kids:Ride the gondola up the mountain. Ride the bus around town. Look out the window in the condo (lots of construction action happening.) Go to the library. Visit the candy store to buy gummy candies. Yep, it was that simple for a fun vacation!
Ok, I think this is the last of Valentine goodies. It was a good run! I got the heart shaped cookies at Trader Joes (they were cute and tasted really yummy. And, last but not least- my favorite card of this season:) If only I could wear rain boots in Arizona a little more often...
I have tried many things to use as a background. Wrapping paper, fabric, shower curtains, you name it. I discovered these table cloths at Target for $4.99. Great price and as a bonus, they stuck to the backyard brick wall rather well. No tape needed! This worked great for the Valentines party as a mini photo booth where people could come up and take photos as they pleased.
Took a couple of pictures before the party of CoCo in her super special tutu. Decided I better take it off as she was heading to the big wheel to take a spin. My sister got me the Martha Stewart kit to make the hanging poofs, (they were the Super Bowl entertainment with our niece.)
I am gonna have to say that Valentines comes in a close second to Halloween when it comes to crafting and decorating. We had a Valentine playgroup party earlier this morning, so hopefully by tomorrow I'll have lots of cute things to share from that. We even did a little photo booth set up so everyone could take pictures. I have finally found a great idea for backgrounds (and inexpensive!) Will make sure to tell you all about it:) For now, I've got this little mailbox that is holding some yummy kisses just for Valentines Day!